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Busyness in Business

Apr 01, 2016

Love Saturday nights. Glass of wine and some trashy tv. Inevitably I also have my journal and my Passion Planner next to me though, because I don't think I ever totally switch off from my business.

But I mean this in a good way. Like - I love being an entrepreneur. I love having my own business and following my dreams. I work to my own schedule, have flexibility over my commitments, and control over my stress levels

When I was a high-flying solicitor I worked many many weekends. Many late nights. Many deals, completions, oh-so-urgent and mega-stressful transactions.
I remember vividly the summer of 2003 I worked every weekend for 3 months. I mean 7 days a week. I missed a friends hen weekend and had to cancel my actual summer holiday. (The firm reimbursed me my travel costs as a 'reward' for not going.) 

I was single and no kids at the time, of course. 
When I look back at it, I'm intrigued by my mindset. 
I was literally brainwashed. So intent on conforming, performing, following the herd, not drawing attention to myself. Although I hated working all the hours it was just 'this is how it is. This is what we do.'

Never again. 
Now I work how I want and when I want and with who I want.

So I just want to check in with you guys.
We created our businesses to have freedom and independence.
Quality of life.
So if any of you are feeling tired, burnt out, overworked this Saturday night...
Come and share in this group and let's work out how to get more productive.
How to simplify, streamline, delegate, seek help.

Busyness in business needs to be a choice. Take time to remember why you chose this path. And get busy with the good stuff.


P.S. I'm currently writing a book called "The Unbusy Business". It's about how I built  my consultancy from the ground up to a thriving £6fig business whilst raising 2 small children. And lots of practical guidance for other women entrepreneurs who want to do the same. Watch out for it - being published early 2017


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