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Apr 29, 2016

For years I commuted to my 9-5 job (although the hours as a commercial solicitor were more like 7-7, with late nights and weekends thrown in as a given.)

Trains buses tubes taxis planes

Cold station platforms, missed connections, nights away from home in hotel rooms.

I don't regret the time I invested in my corporate career. I learnt vast amounts and formed relationships and built up financial security.

But when it came to building 
my own business, and eventually picking my own offices - I rebelled against the rat race.
 We have a huge airy office with meeting rooms attached. 
It's based in an Eco-building. It's on a converted farm in a gorgeous Yorkshire village.
When it's sunny we have our meetings outside. 

There was a slight concern initially that maybe clients wouldn't come to visit us because it's out of the city. 
But they love it. 
We get told all the time that it helps them relax, get creative, focus - away from the busyness.
 We love it. 

It sends a strong message that we don't conform, we do things differently, we're not afraid to swim against the tide.

And every day as I drive to work (against the traffic) I breathe in the country air and wave to the sheep and think how lucky I am.

Well, it's not luck actually. I created it. 

It's up to us to create our own dream days.


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