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Do The Work

Apr 17, 2016

My eldest girl Ruby has gone back to school after 2 weeks off.

She had a mass of homework to do over Easter hols (she's only 6!) - we managed to wade through most of the maths and spellings, but I couldn't co-erce her to do her "Tree Project" or learn a poem.

After asking repeatedly during the hols, I thought I'd just wait and see what happened come "back to school" day.
Sure enough, this morning she was in floods of tears.

"My teacher's going to be so disappointed in me."

"Do you think everyone else will have done it except me?"

"Can you talk to the teacher for me?"

"Will I get moved out of the Hippos group?"

We got to have a very important conversation in the car en route to school.

If you don't do the work, you don't get the results.

If you want to get to the top of the class, you need to do stuff which isn't always fun.

You need to accept that sometimes, in life & in work, there will be things which will be boring, difficult, challenging or just downright frustrating.

But if they fit in and align with where you want to be, then you've got to knuckle down and Do the Work.

In the playground, we went together to speak to the teacher. She asked the teacher if she can have an extra 2 days to finish her homework tasks. She explained that she hadn't completed everything but she wanted to put it right. Her teacher thanked her for her honesty and said she would love her to take some extra time and finish the homework.

I was totally proud of her.

And now to put the same ethos to work in my business. I've got a whole list of tasks and actions I need to get through in my business, some of which I have been procrastinating and avoiding. Especially around systems/processes/technology which is my Achilles' heel...I love the creative and people side of my business, but admin and tech just drives me mad.

It's got to be done though. Time to practice what I preach.

Happy Monday all! Do the Work!

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