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Feb 17, 2016

I’m a little superstitious about the colour red. Perhaps it’s my Welsh roots. Or the rebel in me. I called my first daughter Ruby, which is also my birthstone. 

Years ago, when I was a trainee solicitor, I bought a beautiful red suit with my first pay cheque and I wore it with pride. I strutted around and it gave me so much confidence, I felt like I could take on the world. 

One day, a partner in the law firm took me aside into his office and told me to stop wearing it. He said it was an aggressive and angry colour and it sent the wrong message to clients. 

Crazy huh? But guess what? I played it small. For the next 2 years I wore only black or grey or pin stripes. I hid my light. I conformed. I fitted in. I blended into the sea of grey.

It makes me seethe now just to think about it. 

So since escaping the world of Big Law I now wear red every day somewhere on my body as an act of quiet defiance against the corporate world. 
(And to remind me that I don't want to compromise on my own uniqueness or freedom of choice again.)

Where are you letting someone dictate the rules of your life?

Is it time to break free? Come talk to me

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