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Shoulda Woulda Coulda

Apr 18, 2016

The majority of my coaching clients are high-achieving woman. They've already had a successful career or business but they want more. They might be transitioning from a corporate career into entrepreneurship or up-levelling their business in a new direction.

They usually have placed a lot of pressure on themselves to be the best, do the best, 'top of class'. Or that pressure was upon them as kids and its deeply embedded and become a habit.

I always notice the language they use. Should. Could. Must.

Deadlines. Goals. Push. Pressure.

Overwhelm, self doubt, uncertainty.

Thing is, as entrepreneurs, action is everything. We have to take action and go where others won't dare.

But action without clear vision and intention is fruitless and can be dangerous. It can lead you down paths and up mountains in the completely wrong direction.

So the most important thing we can do - as leaders - is slow down. Take time to visualise, dream bold, tune into our intuition, check in with our sub conscious.

Take the pressure off and ask the big questions about where we want to be and why.

Once our true purpose is aligned with our zone of genius, add in boldness of action - then we become unstoppable.

I love this pictorial (credit: Rich Litvin) which demonstrates what I'm talking about.

No more 'shoulda coulda woulda' once we're in our zone of genius. We speed up again with ease.

Shoulda woulda coulda

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