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Jul 26, 2016

Picture yourself as a drop of water pulled out from the ocean.

When apart from the ocean, you are small and weak and inconsequential.

Once returned to its source you become powerful - a force of nature. A force to be reckoned with.

This principle is an essential part of theories around metaphysics. It tells us that when we think of ourself as being separate from others, we lose the power of our Source and diminish the whole of humanity. When you see yourself as connected to everyone, you stop judging others and begin to see all of us connected to the same unseen silent life force.

In the modern world, it can be a challenge for us to bring such theories into play. Or even accept that they exist.

Everywhere we look, we see people rushing around, disconnected, lacking compassion, judging, criticising, drawing distinctions, creating distance. Focussing inward, buying material things, comparing. Being asleep.

Where we can instead tap into kindness, compassion, suspension of judgment, exercising empathy...following our heart and intuition doing what lights us up...not hiding....magic can unfold.

We have many influential women leading these principles into practice. Louise Hayes, Brene Brown, Oprah, Elizabeth Gilbert. They have become household names, but they are just ordinary women, drops in the ocean, just like you and I. They are women on a mission, and connected with their passion they have become an unstoppable force for chance.

In 2009 the Dalai Lama said "The western world will be saved by the western woman."

I intend to be a drop in that ocean. Do you?

Start today. Do what lights you up. Find your tribe.
Connection, collaboration, compassion, creativity. Courage.
Shoulder to shoulder. Stepping into our own power.

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